Redemption Song by Andiswa Nhlangulela
In the quiet of her room, she laid in bed staring at her ceiling
Life's questions weighed heavy on her soul and began to crush her
Her soul sang sad tunes to ease the pain she had been carrying
And her body marked with the struggles of life
Disappointment left slashes across her arms
Betrayal, a twisted knife lodged in her gut
Rejection an arrow, penetrating her heart
Gushing wounds, oozing out a lack of love
And regularly she would try putting bandage on her open wounds...
And each time a ripping bandage to her bleeding soul
She began to question, how she could love this body, that made her shrink in a mirror.
Who could she give her crumpled heart
Who could accept her forest of thoughts, capable of a darkness she wasn't even aware of
Then came a healer with wounds deeper than hers
Wounds on his hands and feet.
His body, bloodied and beaten
Scars from a crown made of thorns and thistles
He loved her heart back together
His Acceptance began to stitch the wounds on her body
Yes, the scars are there
They remind her of the Love of her Lord
Her soul sings a new tune, a redemption song.
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Words of Faith is the debut poetry book by Faith. The inspiring collection features over twenty poems written with the intent to encourage and motivate readers. In the book, Faith writes on love, life, faith, passion and purpose. You can order your copy of Words of Faith today on Amazon.
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