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Balancing the passion and the day job...

For my creatives, rising entrepreneurs and future business owners still working ‘that job’.

Fuel your passion

I love how entrepreneurial our generation is. I see more people consistently challenging themselves, launching businesses and pursuing alternative routes to success. It's encouraging to witness so many young, successful and self-employed people doing it and doing it well.

How glamorous the self-employed life looks. Working on your own terms, being your own boss, making your own money! Who wouldn't want that? We read all about how to make the self-employed life successful. Tips and tricks on how to get through the tough times (because tough times never last...) but I often find there's not enough on how to endure the process when you're not already there.

So. A short word of encouragement. To all my people working hard jobs that don't fuel their passions, for those itching to make the 'side hustle' the main thing. For those still discovering what their passion is...

Here's five things to remember before you take the plunge and quit your job

1. Understand you won't be there forever

Before you run off quitting a job at the wrong time understand that you will not be there forever.

A wise man once said "to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Change your mindset and remember that this is just a season. A simple period of your life that is very much part of your process and journey to success. It's not a dead-end road unless you stop moving so keep pressing on towards that vision.

2. Keep your vision close

Yes, it can be draining working a job that you're not passionate about, but what gets you through is keeping your eyes fixed on the vision.

As I said above, you're only there for a season so don't lose sight of the plans you have. Don't let the job rob you of your passion. Whether it's a vision board, daily affirmations or networking with like minds - do whatever it takes to keep your vision and goals at the forefront of your mind! Don't let them slip.

What you see for your future self is key because "where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). You may not be there yet but remember "the vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed" (Habakkuk 2:3).

Cling to that hope for the future.

3. Make the job work for you

You're still at the job... So you might as well make the most of it and take what you can! Take every last piece of information, skill and resource that your job provides. Whether it's better communication, money management or leadership skills. Identify the skills that align with your vision and can potentially help you in the future once you're living the dream.

Working for someone else is never a waste of time if you use it wisely and to your advantage.

4. Put the outside work in

Consistently devote time outside of work to your passion. Doing this will take your mind off the job and push you closer to your dreams. As I mentioned above, it's essential to keep moving forward otherwise you'll find yourself stuck, wondering where the time went.

At times you'll have to push through the fatigue, work late hours and spend time alone but it'll be worth it once you start reaping the rewards.

5. Jump... when the time is right for you

"Stop wasting your time working for someone else and just quit."

"Monetise today. Turn your craft into your side hustle."

Don't feel pressured to be at a certain level today because of where others are. Remember that everyone is on a separate, unique journey. The way it works out for them may not be the way it works out for you, so be patient with your process and take necessary steps when the time is right for you!

It's not a race or competition against others so stay in your lane and build the life you desire at your own pace.

I hope this post has been encouraging!

- Faithful xoxo


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